Stage Heroes PRO

For leaders with big ambition

> 3-day live coaching in Amsterdam
> 1 :
1 coaching before and after

>Max 6 participants


Become the most engaging presenter on the block. 

You probably came to this page because you’re public speaking is not what you would like it to be. 

Maybe you have an imposter syndrome that’s been holding you back. Maybe you tend to overshare. Or maybe you just don’t know how to keep the attention of your audience. Whichever it is, Welcome, you came to the right place.

Here’s my promise to you. 

After joining me in Stage Heroes PRO, you ‘re confidence will have grown significantly. You will understand exactly how to tell a story and when. You will structure presentations like a boss and you will know exactly how to engage your audience from beginning till the end. 

But most importantly, you will have started feeling what it’s like to not have to try so hard. To be speaking from your heart & mind rather than from a place of wanting to be perfect. You will be able to connect to your audience at a level where you can make a real impact! 


Stage Heroes Online offline presentation training netherlands

Here’s what Stage Heroes PRO looks like: 

Stage Heroes exclusive presentation coaching

1:1 goal setting

In an online session you and I will look closely at your goals. We will draft a plan for your short term and long term goals.

After that, you get immediate access to ALL Stage Heroes online learning content 

Based on your goals, you will be assigned specific learning content to go through.
Your Stage Heroes journey has begun!



Stage Heroes incompany presentationtraining Amsterdam

live training days

With a total of 4 participants we spend 3 days in Amsterdam or Utrecht. This is your full emersion into public speaking. After 3 days you will feel deeply inspired and empowered to start owning your speaking power.

During these days you’ll be
Getting feedback
Presenting again

Until nothing can throw you off.


Stage Heroes presentation feedback

1:1 feedback 

The only way to grow is to get feedback on actual presentations you’ve done.

You will get personal feedback on  2 real presentations that you have given (NDA’s can be signed if needed).

Our team of presentation experts will watch your presentation videos and share what you should keep doing, what to stop doing, what to improve and how to do that. 


Stage Heroes 1:1 presentation coaching

after care

When the program is over, your journey as a Stage Hero has just begun. So we keep supporting you with monthly live sessions for 5 years!

Online Coach calls Ask me anything and get coached on the spot.

Stage Heroes practice Lab
Practice upcoming presentations and get immediate feedback from me and other Stage Heroes.


How do I know if Stage Heroes PRO is for me?

When you work in an international environment and giving presentations is an essential part of your job, Stage Heroes PRO is for you.

When you are a business owner and you want use public speaking as a way to grow your business, Stage Heroes PRO is for you

When you have the ambition to build a career as a speaker. Stage Heroes PRO is for you.

“Be careful when you consider working with Margreet. Not only will you become a great public speaker, but you will also end up being a wiser, more confident and self-appreciative human being. Margreet is a public speaking expert, practical philosopher and life coach in one.”

Wouter Smeets

Founder & CEO, Protoype you

Join us in the arena

Do you feel like you still have to prove yourself? Does your heart start pounding at the idea of having to stand up in front of a crowd? Do feel that being able to present yourself and your ideas better is the key to moving your career forward? 

Welcome to Stage Heroes. This is exactly why we are here!

“Stage Heroes makes presenting fun, easy and a whole lot less scary”

We combine personal coaching with onsite group training,  online video training and immediate, constructive feedback on your presentations. Welcome to Stage Heroes PRO. 

Editions 2024 / 2025

11,12,13 December 2024
Amsterdam – FULL

19,20,21 March 2025
Amsterdam -1 SPOT LEFT

25,26,27June 2025 
Amsterdam -3 SPOTS LEFT

27,28,29 August 2025 
Amsterdam -5 SPOTS LEFT

26,27, 28 November 2025
Amsterdam -6 SPOTS LEFT

Besides the undeniable professionalism and organization of the event, what struck me the most was the genuine and honest communication that Maja kept with every single member of the class. Thanks to this atmosphere of openness, I had the chance to explore my weaknesses and start a path of growth to slowly transform them into strengths.

I recommend this experience to anyone willing to take a step into the world of public communication and to anyone who is looking for an honest opinion on their speaking skills. I hope I will have the chance to work with Margreet again in the future.

Mario Alberto Tamà

Brand Manager, MM Guide

 What do you get?

  • 1:1 goal setting session
  • 3 days training onsite in Amsterdam
  • 2x 1:1 coaching session online 
  • Expert session.  Breathwork, personal branding, styling or voice
    ( I choose a different one for each edition)
  • Online learning platform with all courses and modules including future updates (value € 997)
  • 5 year membership to the online Stage Heroes community including all live coach calls & online practice Labs. (value: € 2.000,-)

€ 2995,00 excl. VAT –  or 3 x € 1100,00

10 years of experience wrapped up in a 3 day course.

I designed this course by combining all my favourite, most effective exercises and interventions. When you sign up, we will set up a 30 minute call to discuss your learning goals. During the intensive live sessions, you will receive my full dedication. The small group will give you the individual approach of 1:1 coaching combined with the power of working in a group. 

After the live session are over, I won’t let you go just yet. We will continue to work together for another 5 years in the Stage Heroes academy. 

The 5 year membership alone is worth over 2.000,- 


How do I sign up?

You cannot sign up for this course directly. First we book a qualifier call. Because the groups are small it’s important that they are well curated. This way I can ensure that every participant adds value to the others. 

Sign up for your qualifier call to see if we’re a fit. 


Maja connects thorough knowledge and amazing warmth.  I was amazed at how smooth the training was. It felt as if you just absorb the information, knowledge and skills. You do not have to think much, you flow through it with images that get imprinted in your imagination.

And that is a great way to teach! In this way, you just know how to do it. I found the training very professional together with a personal and human touch. You leave the training empowered with the knowledge, skills and a smile. I highly recommend it!

Monika Kijewska

Job coach, Concentrix

Ready to level up your public speaking game? Claim your spot now!

Interested in booking Stage Heroes PRO for your whole team?