Hi there!

My name is Margreet Jacobs, but most people call me Maja. 

Who is Margreet Jacobs (Maja)?  

“I created Stage Heroes because I see so much hidden talent. People who stay invisible because they are not able to present themselves or their ideas. It is my mission to help them find their inner Stage Hero so that they can make a lasting impact”


Where it all began 

Teaching and being in front of a crowd has drawn me from the age of 4. My audience back then mostly consisted of my dolls and our cat Mickey. Almost 30 years later, I decided I wanted a career in training and coaching. 

From Journalism to dance teacher 

After studying Journalism and Arabic Languages, being a full-time dance teacher and spending 7 years as a sales consultant in software, I came across NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming). NLP taught me how to be a better communicator. With others, but also in communicating with myself. 

How my job chose me 

Fascinated as I was by human behaviour, I learned all there is to know about non-verbal communication. As I became more and more skilled, people started asking for tips to improve their upcoming presentations. What to do with their hands, how to handle their nerves… I loved it! That is how my job as a public speaking coach chose me. I didn’t even know this field existed until I started working in it. 

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Why Stage Heroes ?

I chose the name Stage Heroes not just because it sounds cool. There’s a real meaning here. Being a hero has nothing to do with being in the centre of attention. It’s all about feeling the fear and doing it anyway. In this video I explain what it takes to be a true Stage Hero.

Meet the rest of the Stage Heroes team

Puck van Doorn

Puck van Doorn

Presentation coach / trainer

I strongly believe that personal and professional growth depends on the ability to present yourself and your vision”.

Puck is a certified Professional Presentation Coach and Trainer. Her background as a strategic marketeer and business leader in corporate and consultancy roles adds lots of value to her work. Mixing content, storytelling and audience awareness into powerful presentations that truly flow, and naturally connect.

Marina Curvers

Marina Curvers

Virtual business manager

“I love working for Stage Heroes because of the obvious passion that Margreet & Puck put into training and coaching”

Marina works as a freelance virtual business manager. She is responsible for customer communication and administration.

Marina is often the first person you’ll talk to when getting in touch with Stage Heroes and she is always happy to help!

 Reach out to Marina directly on marina@stageheroes.nl

Finding the thing I was meant to do 

I remember my very first training like it was yesterday. I’d volunteered to do a workshop for a group of 25 people who were between jobs. We started at 15:00, and by the time it was 15:02 I felt like I was flying. I knew within my core that I had found the thing I was meant to do. I loved every second and I haven’t stopped since. 

Now I’m here! 

Now, almost 6 years later, I’ve stood on many stages,  coached TedX speakers, worked with countless CXO’s and I’ve trained over 150 groups and teams. It has become my mission to help people find their inner Stage Hero.  

Do you want tot work with me? Great! I can’t wait. Call, send an email or schedule a chemistry check. I’d love to meet you.

Stage Heroes Margreet Jacobs biografie

Some fun facts


I firmly believe you need to love learning before you can teach. And I love to learn new things. Not just within my own niche, but pretty much anything. That comes in handy when training others, because the speakers I work with are experts in a variety of different fields. Software engineering, recruitment, plastic recycling, forgiveness, project management and even poetry to name a few! 


My motto in life? Do it all the way or don’t do it at all. If I start something, I give my absolute everything. After two or three days of training, I need a full day to recover. And I’m okay with that. Some people say I give too much, but it works for me. I wouldn’t have it any other way. 


I’m not kidding. Super clumsy. Not a day goes by that I don’t drop something, knock something over or bump into something or someone. I’ve always been like that, and it’s a side of myself I’ve come to fully embrace :). 


When I was 18, I fell madly in love with salsa dancing. Two years later, I was teaching, performing, and living the stage life I had dreamed of since I was a little girl. But a serious hip surgery put a stop to that life, and I had to reinvent myself and at 26. This was the start of my journey of personal development. 

Check out my free videocourse: 5 killer speech openers to captivate your audience right from the start!