Join us in the
confidence challenge!

4,5,6 December 2024

What would you do with unlimited confidence? 

Confidence.. The magic word. We would all like more of it.

But most people, don’t have a clue how to get it. 

There are 2 types of confidence. 

1.  Task related confidence. Confidence in a specific area that you build by doing things while scared (For example: when I stand on a stage for the very first time, I can’t possibly be confident. When I do it for the 20th time, I’m more confident)

2. Self-confidence. We’re all born without self-doubt. We are confident that we are who we are supposed to be and that when we ask (cry) for something we will get it. It’s our nature. We don’t compare ourselves to others. We like who we are. When we get older that self-doubt grows and it can overgrow your confidence. This doesn’t mean your confidence is gone. It’s just hidden under a layer of self-doubt. You have some digging to do 🙂 

Let me help you uncover your self confidence!

Think about it! What are the things that you did not do in your life because it was too scary, too difficult or too overwhelming? Take a moment to make a list.

Go ahead, I’ll wait….. 




Stage Heroes Online public speaking presentation skills training 6

Do you have a clear list? Now imagine something else.
What would happen if you could tap into an unlimited source of self confidence?

Would you

  • Make that key-note?
  • Start that business?
  • Ask for that promotion?
  • Apply for that job?
  • Take that leap of faith? 

Give me a chance to show you how powerful you can be! 


Day 1 - REwriting your story

4 December 2024 15:30 – 17:00 CET

From the day we are born until we are about 7 years old, our belief system is formed. This is the filter through which we see the world. 

Some of our beliefs are helping and others don’t. On the contrary. They prevent us from reaching our goals. 

During this first day, we look at what we believe and how it is preventing us from finding our confidence. Once you bring to the surface what is hidden, it stops controlling us. 

Day 2 - your unique power

5 December 2024 15:30 – 17:00 CET

As much as we are the same as humans, we are also all unique in our talents, our character and our presence.
Very few people though understand their own uniqueness. And because of that we tend to compare ourselves to others. This almost always hurts our confidence.

Understanding your unique power, will help you harness your confidence because you no longer feel the need to prove yourself to others.

Day 3 - EMBODIED confidence

6 December 15:30 – 17:00 CET

How does confidence feel? Where does it sit in the body? During this last session you’ll learn how to harness the power of confidence by understanding where it lives in the body.

Once you know where it sits, you can revisit it at any given moment and use it to get stuff done that scares you! 

Don’t take my word for it. 

Estelle Roux-Stevens

Estelle Roux-Stevens

CEO at Mentorjam

“Not only do I feel a lot more confident in myself as a speaker now, but I also love the idea of being on stage, as opposed to freaking out about it.


David Wouters

David Wouters

People Manager at PVH

“I am finally learning to speak as I was meant to speak. Unleashing the power of expressing myself authentically rather than trying to imitate, through digging deep within.”.

Alvaro Pin Hurtado

Alvaro Pin Hurtado

Head of growth at Stitch 3D

Stage Heroes has been pivotal in my personal development. From everyday tips to exploring outside of my comfort zone, Stage Heroes is a must for any individual looking at becoming a better version of themselves!

You may not see your own power yet.

Let me open your eyes.

  • You’ll walk away with more confidence in yourself and your speaking skills
  • You’ll have the tools to boost your own confidence when you need it
  • You’ll learn how to fully own your power without feeling the need to downplay

The course has 3 x 90 minutes of live sessions (Or you can watch the recordings later)
You’ll be assigned a confidence buddy to work with during the 3 days and after if you wish.

Okay you've got me, I'm in!